OpenLearn Create providing a free platform for open learning.
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OpenLearn Create providing a free platform for open learning.
OpenLearn Create is an innovative leading open educational platform where individuals and organisations can publish their open content, open courses and resources. It is Moodle based and has tools for collaboration, reuse and remixing.
Build a course, collaborate, add badges, publish and support your learners.
Find out moreabout create a free courseTake a look at the range of subjects we have on offer here
We have different types of skills for you to try.
Writting, literacy, communications, information technology and maths skills.
Learn a skillThinking about studying for the first time or after a long time away?
Learn a skillContinuing professional development is key to progressing your career.
Learn a skillVocational skills including teacher and health work training, volunteers and apprenticeships.
Learn a skillPartnership collections hosted by OpenLearn Create
6 courses in this collection
30 courses in this collection
11 courses in this collection
10 courses in this collection
1 course in this collection
9 courses in this collection