
‘Re-Wild Their Souls’

For the Rev. Luke Fodor, the rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, located at 410 North Main St., finding new, unique, and unconventional ways ...

Prep, Rep, Repeat

Writing a book was on his bucket list. For Bradley Barmore writing was cathartic and helped with his personal transformation. After completing ...

Area Police Reports

JAMESTOWN POLICE — Two city residents face charges after a search warrant was executed on Newland Avenue on Thursday. Around 9:25 a.m., the Jamestown Metro Drug ...

Area Police Reports

Area Police Reports

There Is Another Route For County Sales Tax Talks

Push Finally Came To Shove With Prison Strike

Kay E. Conklin

Kay E. Conklin, 84, of South Dayton entered into rest March 5, 2025. She was born October 13, 1940 to her late parents Deland and Inez (Wright) Cooper. Kay is ...

Carole M. Hawk

Carol E. Dominey

Should there be a focuson restoring habitatsfor butterflies?

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